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Read through this resource library to learn beneficial lawn care tips and how to properly take care of your landscape. Discover expert information on seasonal lawn care, watering your lawn, preventing turf diseases and more.

Helpful Lawn Care Guides And Tip Sheets

Seasonal Lawn Care Tips

Feature Box Title

  • Apply lime to your lawn.
  • Set your lawnmower blades at 3″ to 3.5″
  • Change directions each time you mow.
  • Sharpen your lawnmower blades.
  • Water your lawn at least 1″ per week.

Feature Box Title

  • Water your lawn at least 1″ per week.
  • Water is very important for your lawn during peak heat and humidity.
  • Be careful not to overwater your lawn.
  • Water between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m. when the sun is low, winds are calm and temperatures are cool.

Feature Box Title

  • Overseed bare spots in your lawn.
  • Keep the newly seeded areas hydrated at all times until the seeds take root (within approximately 10-21 days).
  • Once the seed has rooted, reduce the watering slightly.
  • Do not apply herbicides to the newly seeded area because they will burn the lawn.

When And How Much To Water Your Lawn

General Irrigation Lawn Care Tips

When The Temperatures Are: Under Normal Conditions: Windy / Low Humidity: Watering Times Per Week:
70°- 75° 1″ 1¼” 1 – 2
75°- 80° 1″ – 1¼” 1½” 2 – 3
80°- 85° 1½” 1½” – 2″ 3 – 4
85°- 90° 1½” – 2″ 2″ – 2¼” 3 – 5
Over 90° 2″ – 2¼” 2″ – 3″ 4 – 6

It is important to keep in mind that shaded conditions, sunny areas and spaces that get a lot of reflected heat off of patios and driveways require different amounts of water.

How To Measure

Set out 3-4 straight-sided containers and learn how long it takes to collect 1/2″ of water. This time period should serve as a guide each time you need to water your lawn. Once you have the correct timing, water one to six times each week.

  • If you overwater your lawn, much of the water is never absorbed. Water multiple times in short periods and take 15-minute breaks between sessions.
  • Different plants need different amounts of water. Divide your property into separate irrigation zones so that your grass and trees receive different amounts of water.
  • Adjust sprinklers so you are only watering what grows instead of concrete areas like your patio or driveway.
  • Applying water directly to the roots using low-volume drip irrigation reduces water waste and prevents unwanted weeds.
  • Routinely check your sprinklers to ensure they are working properly.
  • Adjust your irrigation system each season and during weather changes, or install a shut-off device that detects rain.

Tips To Prevent Turf Disease

Water Your Lawn

Watering late in the day causes fungal growth, so only water in the morning and only when your lawn needs to be hydrated.

Aerate Your Lawn

Aerating your lawn at least once a year, when roots are actively growing in the fall or spring, helps prevent turf diseases.

Mow Your Lawn

Your grass should be cut at the highest recommended setting during the summer to protect the stems from heavy sunlight. Cutting it too short often causes disease. Dull mower blades also shred grass and expose the turf’s tissue, allowing disease spores to enter more easily.

Fertilize Your Lawn

Apply the appropriate amount of fertilizer. Some lawn diseases are a result of too much nitrogen during fertilization.

Use Fungicides

Preventive applications of fungicides are always better than treating a massive outbreak. Take a proactive rather than reactive approach.

Labels & MSDS

Product Name Type of Product Label & Info Sheet
Acclaim Extra Herbicide Label | MSDS
Acelepryn Insecticide Label | MSDS
Allectus Insecticide Label | MSDS
ArborFos Fungicide Label | MSDS
Armada 50 WDG Fungicide Label | MSDS
Atrimec Plant Growth Regulator Label | MSDS
Avid Miticide Label | MSDS
Banner Maxx Fungicide Label | MSDS
Barricade 4FL Herbicide Label | MSDS
Barricade 65WG Herbicide Label | MSDS
Basagran T-O Herbicide Label | MSDS
Basamid Herbicide Label | MSDS
Baseline Insecticide Label | MSDS
Battleship Herbicide Label | MSDS
Bayleton 50 WSP Fungicide Label | MSDS
Brushmaster Herbicide Label | MSDS
Compass Fungicide MSDS
Confront Herbicide Label | MSDS
Cool Power Herbicide Label | MSDS
Core Tect Insecticide Label | MSDS
Cutless 50WP Plant Growth Regulator Label | MSDS
Cutrine Plus Aquatics Label | MSDS
Daconil Weather Stik Fungicide Label | MSDS
Defendor Herbicide Label | MSDS
Dimension 2EW Herbicide Label | MSDS
Dimilin 4L Insecticide Label | MSDS
Dismiss Herbicide Label | MSDS
Distance Insecticide Label | MSDS
Dithane 75 DF Fungicide Label | MSDS
Drive 75 DF Herbicide Label | MSDS
Drive XLR8 Herbicide Label | MSDS
Dylox 420SL Insecticide Label
Dylox 80 Insecticide Label | MSDS
Eagle .62G Fungicide Label | MSDS
Eagle 20EW Fungicide MSDS
Escalade 2 Herbicide Label | MSDS
Floramite Miticide Label | MSDS
Forbid 4F Miticide Label | MSDS
Fore Fungicide Label | MSDS
Freehand Herbicide Label | MSDS
Fusilade Herbicide Label | MSDS
Gallery SC Herbicide Label | MSDS
Glyphosate Pro 4 Herbicide Label | MSDS
Harrell’s Par Herbicide Label | MSDS
Headway Fungicide Label | MSDS
Heritage G Fungicide Label | MSDS
Insignia Fungicide Label | MSDS
Kleenup Pro Herbicide Label | MSDS
Lexicon Fungicide Label | MSDS
Lontrel Herbicide Label | MSDS
Lucid Miticide Label | MSDS
Mach IIG Insecticide Label | MSDS
Mainsail 6.0F Fungicide Label | MSDS
Merit .5 G Insecticide Label | MSDS
Merit 2 F Insecticide Label | MSDS
Merit 75 WP Insecticide Label | MSDS
Merit 75 WSP Insecticide Label | MSDS
MSMA 6 Plus Herbicide Label | MSDS
MSO Adjuvant Label | MSDS
Nitrate Plus Herbicide Label | MSDS
Nutrol Fungicide Label | MSDS
Onyx Insecticde Label | MSDS
Pageant Fungicide Label | MSDS
Pendulum Aqua Cap Herbicide Label | MSDS
Pennant Herbicide Label | MSDS
Pointer Insecticide Label | MSDS
Prograss Herbicide Label | MSDS
Primo Maxx Plant Growth Regulator Label | MSDS
Prograss SC Herbicide Label | MSDS
Prophesy Fungicide Label | MSDS
Purespray Oil 10E Insecticide Label | MSDS
Pylex Herbicide Label | MSDS
Quick Silver Herbicide Label | MSDS
Quinclorac 75 DF Herbicide Label | MSDS
Revolver Herbicide Label | MSDS
Reward Aquatics Label | MSDS
Riptide 5.0 Pyrethrin Insecticide Label | MSDS
Rodeo Aquatics Label | MSDS
Roundup Herbicide Label | MSDS
Safari Insecticide Label | MSDS
Scimitar GC Insecticide Label | MSDS
Sedgehammer Herbicide Label | MSDS
Segway Fungicide Label | MSDS
Sevin 4F Insecticide Label | MSDS
Sevin SL Insecticide Label | MSDS
Snapshot 2.5 G Herbicide Label | MSDS
SoilTech (Super Soil) Soil Additive Label | MSDS
Solitare Herbicide Label | MSDS
Sonar AS Aquatics Label | MSDS
Speed Zone Herbicide Label | MSDS
Strike 3 Herbicide Label | MSDS
Subdue Maxx Fungicide Label | MSDS
Sureguard Herbicide Label | MSDS
Surflan AS Herbicide Label | MSDS
Surge Herbicide Label | MSDS
Talstar Insecticide Label | MSDS
Tebuject 16 Fungicide Label | MSDS
Tempo SC Ultra Insecticide Label | MSDS
Tenacity Herbicide Label | MSDS
Teremec SP Fungicide Label | MSDS
Tick Free Organic Tick control Insecticide Label | MSDS
Title Phyte Phosphite Label | MSDS
Tower Herbicide Label | MSDS
Transom 50 WSB Fungicide Label | MSDS
Trimec Herbicide Label | MSDS
Trimmit Plant Growth Regulator Label | MSDS
Tristar 30 SG Insecticide Label | MSDS
Turflon Ultra Herbicide Label | MSDS
Velista Fungicide Label | MSDS
Vessel Herbicide Label | MSDS
Xzemplar Fungicide Label | MSDS
Zenith Insecticide Label | MSDS